CSDR: ESMA consults on implementing measures for new settlement regime

19 December 2014

The aim of the Central Securities Depositories Regulation is to harmonise certain aspects of the settlement cycle and settlement discipline and to provide a set of common requirements for CSDs operating securities settlement systems across the EU.

ESMA launched three consultations on proposed technical standards, technical advice and guidelines implementing the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR). 

ESMA intends to organise an open hearing on the CSDR consultation papers at ESMA premises on 13 January 2015.

The CSDR plays a pivotal role for post-trade harmonisation efforts in Europe, as it will enhance the legal and operational conditions for cross-border settlement in the EU.

This represents the second consultation on ESMA technical standards under the CSDR, following the Discussion Paper published on 20 March 2014.

Full press release

Draft technical standards

Draft technical advice

Draft guidelines