EIOPA: Solvency II: a revolution in risk culture?

18 September 2014

European Insurace and Occupational Pensions Authority: Speech by Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta, Executive Director, on Solvency II and risk management in insurance.

A distinctive feature of insurance and reinsurance is that the business itself is all about risk. The core objective of (re)insurers is to deal with different kinds of risks making a profit out of them. So, the industry should already have a wide range of specific know-how and experience in the area of risk management, if only because this is what the business is all about i.e.. risk.
However, the financial crisis has shown that financial market participants, including insurers, need to rely on stronger risk management capabilities in order to deal with the different challenges posed by the economic slowdown and the financial market volatility. In other words, their risk management frameworks were not always up to the challenge stemming from the crisis.
Self-regulation within undertakings proved insufficient. Very often, any concerns raised about long-term sustainability of the company were ignored or even ferociously denied. Wrong incentives, short term gambits, unsustainable growth… reality was far away from what undertakings claimed to be their situation, with the consequences we all have witnessed.
The upcoming supervisory and regulatory framework for insurance - Solvency II - is going to make significant changes in the current risk culture of many insurers.  It is a different way of looking at and managing risks. First of all, it presents risk management not as a point in time procedure, but as a continuous process that should be used in the implementation of the undertaking’s overall strategy.
There is a purpose, and tangible outcomes. The Solvency II framework aims at establishing high quality risk management standards that will be beneficial for insurance undertakings, shareholders and consumers. One of the main requirements of a risk-based regulatory regime is that risk and capital should not be considered separately. This approach will allow top management to ensure that the company does not take on more risks than its capital base allows. It is also an opportunity for the senior executives to anchor a risk culture in an insurer’s day-to-day operations; again, setting the tone from the top.
The Solvency II regime  requires insurers and reinsurers to have in place an effective risk management system comprising strategies, processes and reporting procedures necessary to identify, measure, monitor, manage and report, on a continuous basis the risks, both at individual and aggregated levels, they are or could be exposed, and their interdependencies. Nothing new under the sun? Unfortunately, this is not the case.
One of the most innovative changes introduced by Solvency II is the requirement that insurance companies develop their Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) as a tool of their overall risk management system. Insurers will need to properly assess their own short- and long-term risks as well as the amount of their own funds necessary to cover them to ensure on-going compliance with capital requirements. 
Mr. Montalvo Rebuelta believes that the Solvency II approach to risk management will allow for an enhanced understanding of the nature and significance of the risks to which a company is exposed, including its sensitivity to those risks and its ability to mitigate them. This understanding will help companies to see their real opportunities and manage their business on that basis. Strong risk management will also be beneficial also for the customers of insurance companies. It will allow insurers to better meet their claims towards clients and, thus, to promote confidence in the insurance sector.
Full speech