Successful AIFMD implementation: French AIFMs comfortably meet the 22 July 2014 deadline

22 July 2014

One year after France transposed the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), more than 200 management companies have been authorised by the securities regulator, Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF).

At the end of 2013, French AIFs represented assets worth €900 billion and 9,000 funds (while UCITS represented assets worth €600 billion and 3,000 funds and individual mandates were worth a further €1,500 billion). The success of the implementation of the AIFMD in France can be explained by a combination of factors:

As early as 2013, French firms were quick to understand the commercial advantages of being authorised as AIFM, which entitles them to both a European passport and a brand increasingly sought for by professional clients in Europe and the rest of the world. For that reason a large number of management companies not subject to the new authorisation requirement nevertheless applied for it. Many companies in the scope of the Directive beat the 22 July 2014 authorisation deadline. More generally, the efforts made by French management companies reflect a proactive strategy of gaining global market share. For example (as at end-2013):


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