IASB's ED on Investment Entities – Applying the Consolidation Exception

18 June 2014

The IASB published for public comment the Exposure Draft Investment Entities–Applying the Consolidation Exception (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28).

The proposed amendments to IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements and IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures are designed to clarify three issues about the application of the requirement for investment entities to measure subsidiaries at fair value instead of consolidating them.  The proposed amendments: 

The issues originated from submissions to the IFRS Interpretations Committee, which recommended that the IASB should amend the Standards to clarify the requirements in order to reduce the risk of diversity developing in practice. 

The ED is open for comments until 15 September 2014.

Press release

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