Bank resolution mechanism: MEPs welcome progress, signal crucial work remains

12 March 2014

The lead MEPs negotiating the bank single resolution mechanism legislation signed a statement noting that some progress had been made but that there was still a great deal of work to be done.

"Today we take note that some progress has been made. This has helped us to better understand each other. It is clear to us though that there is still much work to be done and we still await detailed wording from the Council which is needed for further concrete discussions.

We can now hope to have a constructive meeting next week in which concrete drafting can be made in a bid to reach a deal.

We must reiterate however that we are not yet there and that the crucial issues are still all to be agreed if we are to have a deal on Wednesday under this Parliament."

Signed: Sharon Bowles (Committee Chair), Elisa Ferraira (S&D, PT), Corien Wortmann Kool (EPP, NL), Sylvie Goulard (ALDE, FR), Sven Giegold (Greens/EFA, DE), Vicky Ford (ECR, UK)

Press release

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