EBA: Consultation paper on Draft Implementing Technical Standards on Disclosure for Own Funds

07 June 2012

These draft ITS focus on the disclosure requirements to be met by institutions. Establishing appropriate disclosure requirements increases the transparency on regulatory capital held by European institutions, and ultimately contributes to strengthening its quality and quantity.

These technical standards aim at ensuring a uniform approach to disclosure for own funds by institutions and across jurisdictions in order to allow detailed assessments of banks’ capital positions and to make cross-jurisdictional comparisons.

To facilitate international comparisons and to avoid the development of two different disclosure frameworks, the draft ITS follow very closely the approach adopted by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), while making appropriate reference to the EU regulatory framework (Capital Requirements Regulation - CRR). The EBA also ensured that these ITS are consistent with the COREP framework.

The requirements contained in the draft ITS are directed at institutions which are requested to complete three sets of templates:

In addition to the three templates, institutions are required to provide balance sheet reconciliation between their financial statements and their regulatory own funds to address the disparities between these two sets of data.

Further consultation papers on the remaining RTS on own funds in the CRR are expected to be published later in 2012.

Press release

Full consultation paper