EBA: Consultation paper on Draft Implementing Technical Standards on supervisory reporting requirements for leverage ratio

07 June 2012

The European Banking Authority launched a consultation on Draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on Supervisory reporting requirements for leverage ratio. These ITS intend to specify the main features of prudential reporting to be applied by financial institutions in Europe.

These ITS will become part of the general supervisory reporting framework. In this respect, they are an addition to the draft ITS text proposed in the Consultation Paper on supervisory reporting for institutions (CP50) published on 20 December 2011, and need to be read in conjunction with them.

The reporting of the data will allow for a comparison of the leverage ratio measure and its components across European financial institutions. In addition, it will serve for the future assessment and calibration of the leverage ratio on which the EBA shall report to the European Commission.

These ITS aim at providing national authorities with harmonised information on the leverage ratio and its components using uniform reporting formats developed by the EBA.

The proposals put forward in this consultation will serve at least two purposes:

The scope and level of application of these ITS are in line with the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) text. The reporting frequency is therefore proposed to be on a quarterly basis, in order to be aligned with the proposed CRR requirements for calculation of the leverage ratio.

These ITS have been developed based on the template used for the Quantitative Impact Study (QIS) by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and on the COREP and FINREP guidelines. Furthermore, the proposed reporting is, as far as possible, based on existing accounting and prudential measures already used for determining own funds and minimum funds requirements.

Based on the CRR proposals and these ITS, institutions are required to comply with the new reporting requirements as of 1 January, 2013. In the current timeline for the implementation of the CRR/CRD IV, the first regular reporting period is expected to be for the first quarter 2013.

Press release

Full consultation paper