“Our statistics” is a website, developed in cooperation with the national central banks of the Eurosystem, to facilitate access to and use of core statistical breakdowns for the euro area as well as national statistics using visualisations. One of its functionalities is the ability to share and integrate the visualisations into media websites, newspapers and social media. The webpage offers user-friendly and interactive access to economic data such as interest rates, competitiveness indicators and balance sheets of the banking industry.
The ECBstatsApp provides quick and easy access to data published in the ECB's Statistical Data Warehouse on tablets running on the iOS and Android operating systems. It offers predefined data visualisations in four sections: key euro area indicators, government finance, exchange rates and prices. It also has a data explorer for navigating through these and other data by economic category. The latest available statistics can be viewed in tables, charts and maps, saved in specific data selections, or exported and shared in various formats.
“High quality statistics are the backbone of both monetary policy and banking supervision,” said ECB Executive Board member Sabine Lautenschläger. “It is therefore essential that the ECB makes statistics as easy as possible to access so that the public can follow the policy debates. Both initiatives are crucial in this respect.”
ECBstatsApp and “Our statistics” are powered by SDMX, an initiative to foster standards for the exchange of statistical information, sponsored by the Bank for International Settlements, the ECB, Eurostat, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations and the World Bank.
“Our statistics” can be accessed here. The data is also available via the European Union Open Data Portal, a single point of access to data from EU institutions and other bodies.
ECBstatsApp is available free of charge via the Google Play store and iTunes